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Build Trust, Boost Sales!

Building Trust: The Secret Weapon for Sales Success - Episode 83

April 30, 20244 min read

Today, we are going to be diving into a topic that is often overlooked but absolutely crucial for success—trust in the realm of sales. Trust isn't just a nice thing to have; it's the secret weapon that separates the amateurs, the fakes, from the pros. I know this sounds like a no-brainer, but this is a mistake that I see over and over again, and it's something that is so easy to fix. 

So, let's become the trust-building ninjas. 

Point number one just stabs my heart when I see people who don't do this. Always do what you say you are going to do. Picture this: You are in the midst of this really promising deal, and the report is on fire, and the expectations are super high. And then, out of nowhere, your counterpart reneges on the promise they made months ago. Sound familiar? Well, this is a really common scenario, and it is a relationship killer in sales. It's whether it's failing to follow up on a commitment or provide the crucial information you said you were going to send or do or deliver on your promises. The result is always the same. It's shattered trust, and trust is one of the three key things that'll make a difference in whether people will buy or not. It's the know, like, and trust factor. As professional rule breakers, let's pledge to be the exception to the rule. Let's be the ones that always honor our word, no matter what happens. 

Point number two: beware of overpromising and underdelivering. We have all encountered those who talk big but fail to deliver when it counts. They promise the moon and the stars only to leave you stranded in the dark on a desert island, disappointed and angry. As entrepreneurs, we have got to resist the temptation to overpromise and underdeliver. It might yield some really quick short-term gains, but you will pay for it in the long term because the consequences will be dire. 

There's something called a negativity bias. It's a psychological phenomenon where these negative events or information have a stronger effect on people's emotions because they are negative compared to positive behaviors. Studies have shown that negative experiences and negative information are shared five times - yes, five times more frequently than positive ones. This emphasizes the significant impact that negative feedback or experiences can have, particularly when influencing perceptions, trust, and decision-making.

Have you ever seen reviews on Google or Yelp? Do you know those three-star or two-star reviews? I guarantee those people not only put a review on Google but also tell all their friends. So really be careful of over-promising and under-delivering no matter what you do because that will have a huge impact. Remember, trust isn't built on these big, grandiose promises; it's built on consistency and having consistent and reliable action. So the next time you are tempted to inflate, take a step back and ask yourself: Is this sustainable? Will this enhance or erode trust in the long run? 

Point number three is the power of authenticity and transparency. We've talked about authenticity before, but this is important. It is really important because in a world right now that is inundated with slick marketing and slick people with polished pitches, authenticity is truly your greatest asset. If you are authentic, it will be your greatest strength because people crave genuine connections. They don't want to be with many fake people, and they don't like the smoke in the mirrors. So embrace your quirks, own your mistakes, and be authentic in every interaction. 

Of course, be transparent. Transparency isn't just a buzzword. It's really the cornerstone of trust. When you're transparent about your intentions, maybe your capabilities or your limitations, you invite trust into the conversation. So, let's all have our authenticity shine like a beacon in a sea of sameness and watch how trust blossoms in its wake.

Do you still need convincing about the power of trust in sales? 

According to the Edelman trust barometer, 65% of consumers wouldn't buy from a company they didn't trust. In a landscape where consumers are skeptical, trust isn't a nice thing to have.

It's a make-or-break factor. Suppose you have a business that prioritizes trust and builds trust. In that case, you'll be rewarded with increased customer loyalty, higher conversion rates, and, ultimately, greater long-term success, which is the name of the game. If you need further evidence that trust impacts sales, statistics alone should be your wake-up call.

Trust matters more than ever; it is never a luxury—it's a necessity. By always doing what you say, avoiding the trap of overpromising and underdelivering, and embracing authenticity and transparency, you will become the true pocket ninja of trust.

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The Professional Rule BreakerKathy WalterhousePocket NinjaSalesTrust
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