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Rejection Challenge: How to Turn No into Yes - Episode 99

Rejection Challenge: How to Turn No into Yes - Episode 99

Did you know that 75% of people fear rejection, whether in their personal or business lives? That's a staggering number, right? Let's face it—rejection stings. Nobody likes to hear a ‘no’, especially ... ...more

Podcast ,Personal Development &Pocket Ninja

June 25, 20244 min read

No One's Coming to Save You – How to Be Your Own Hero - Episode 97

No One's Coming to Save You – How to Be Your Own Hero - Episode 97

In this special Pocket Ninja episode, I share a heartfelt story about a friend who faced tough times in both her personal and professional life. Feeling sucker-punched by life, she wanted to hide away... ...more

Podcast ,Personal Development &Pocket Ninja

June 18, 20244 min read

Sales as a Courtship: Building Lasting Customer Relationships - Episode 95

Sales as a Courtship: Building Lasting Customer Relationships - Episode 95

In today’s Pocket Ninja episode of The Professional Rule Breaker Show, I'm chatting about treating sales like a courtship. Inspired by Greg Roworth's brilliant analogy, I’ll show you how building rela... ...more

Podcast ,Sales Personal Development &Pocket Ninja

June 11, 20245 min read

Identifying Your Dream Client for Maximum Sales Impact - Episode 93

Identifying Your Dream Client for Maximum Sales Impact - Episode 93

Today, we're talking about: the #1 thing you need to know before you start selling—identifying your dream client! ...more

Podcast ,Sales Personal Development &Pocket Ninja

June 04, 20246 min read

Get a Big Dream and Spend The Rest of Your Life Chasing It - Episode 91

Get a Big Dream and Spend The Rest of Your Life Chasing It - Episode 91

Today, I want to talk about something that hit me hard. I was in this room with super-successful entrepreneurs, and one of them said, ‘’Get a big dream and spend the rest of your life chasing it.’’ ...more

Podcast ,Inspiration Personal Development &Pocket Ninja

May 28, 20246 min read

The Like Factor: Your Secret Weapon In Sales - Episode 89

The Like Factor: Your Secret Weapon In Sales - Episode 89

In this episode of the Pocket Ninja series, we’re exploring the power of likability in sales. Why do some sales reps have clients lined up while others can’t close a single deal? It’s simpler than you... ...more

Podcast ,Sales Personal Development &Pocket Ninja

May 21, 20247 min read

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