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The Rebellion Against the Ordinary - Episode 60

The Rebellion Against the Ordinary - Episode 60

September 21, 20232 min read

I'm popping in to chat about something close to my heart: the courage to be unapologetically, authentically you. Ever felt like a caged lion, roaring silently in a world that doesn’t quite get your vibe? Oh, have I been there?

Remember when I told you about the company that wanted us all in blue suits? Yep, that's right. The sea of blue. And, while there’s nothing wrong with a blue suit (heck, I have a couple myself!), it’s about more than just clothing. It’s about being molded into something you're not, just for the sake of fitting in. So, what did rebel Kathy do? Plum. Red. Any color that wasn’t blue. Why? TO STAND OUT. To be remembered. And guess what? It worked.

In a world that often wants us to toe the line, to be normal, I've always wondered: What does normal even mean? Why be normal when the world remembers the standouts? That poster in my closet, the not-so-cute dog dressed as a bee, reminded me every day: Why bee normal? (See what I did there? 😉). It’s not about being defiant just for the sake of it; it’s about being authentic. It's about celebrating your unique voice, your style, your essence.

I challenge you: seek the unseen. Do things a tad bit differently. Add your flavor, your spin. Because while following the path everyone else is on gets you somewhere, forging your own can lead to untold treasures.

So, rule breaker, next time you reach for that blue suit (or whatever your version of it is), pause and ask: Is this me? If not, be bold, be brave, be YOU. Let's shake things up together.


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Rebellion Against OrdinaryRebellionWhy Bee NormalStand OutThe Professional Rule Breaker
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