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How to Elevate Your Audience Engagement Game with Ken Sky - Episode 61

How to Elevate Your Audience Engagement Game with Ken Sky - Episode 61

September 28, 20232 min read

In our buzzing digital age, it's not just about being present online - it's about bringing your true self to the party. So, who else could I chat with about this than the fabulous Ken Sky? He's a genius at making virtual experiences genuinely magnetic.

Here's the magic we uncovered together:

  • Embracing the Authentic Virtual Self

Forget those animated backgrounds or the latest trendy filters. True connection? It’s all about letting your authentic self shine online and off.

  • The Dilemma Behind Distracting Virtual Backgrounds

Have you ever noticed how specific virtual backgrounds or filters can be distracting? Being genuinely present in a virtual setting can mean the difference between engaging meaningfully and causing mistrust or distraction.

  • The Michelangelo Mindset

Michelangelo saw the beauty trapped inside the marble and just chipped away the extra bits. Maybe, just maybe, we could chip away our virtual shields and filters to show our true, beautiful selves.

  • Rule-Breaking in the Digital Realm

Being a little rebellious isn't about making a mess. It's about shaking things up in the best way. Ken's onto something here - let's rethink the usual to create memorable virtual connections.

  • Stay Curious. Stay Engaged.

Let's be honest; a sprinkle of surprise or the unexpected makes our virtual world much more enjoyable. And, as Ken and I agree, it keeps everyone on their toes, learning and growing.


Our chat with Ken was like a breath of fresh virtual air. As he often says:

"The sky is limitless." 

I genuinely believe our potential in this digital world is endless.

So, next time you click that 'Join' button for a virtual meet, remember to sprinkle in a dash of the real you. Trust me; it's what makes the magic happen!

Click here to listen!

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Authenticity OnlineKen SkyKathy WalterhouseThe Professional Rule BreakerVirtual AuthenticityDigital Authenticity
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