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The Impacts of Setting Boundaries in Your Business and Life with Nancy Levin - Episode 17

The Impacts of Setting Boundaries in Your Business and Life with Nancy Levin - Episode 17

August 05, 20223 min read

Boundaries Leading to Self-Empowerment

Why are we hooked on attaching our sense of worth and value to what we achieve and produce? Does it need to get unhooked?

Listen in for answers! I am excited to share with you a different kind of mindset and what you can do to gain better essence in life together with our special guest, Nancy Levin. She is a master life coach and host of the podcast called Your Permission Prescription which shows you how to say “YES” to yourself so that you can create the life that you desire. 

She's the founder of the Levin Life Coach Academy and a best-selling author with books published by Hay House. 

Here’s how you can master your mindset and have the quality of life you desire.


Self Boundaries

Learn what is okay and not okay. Know your non-negotiables, and what you can accept and tolerate. By doing so - you’ll get to know better your top priorities. As entrepreneurs, you often work 24/7 because you thought you have to be available all the time. You are working for yourselves, and because of that mindset you often disregard setting boundaries. You think you have to over-give, but you don’t. Set boundaries for yourself, and don’t sell your peace of mind at any cost. 

The decision to set and uphold boundaries is yours to take and you can’t blame others for it. 


Transformation Equation

The transformation equation is CHANGE=VISION+ACTION. 

So, if we want to change and make a change, we need to uncover the vision of where we want to be. We can then use that vision to measure our choices and action steps. What choices help or sabotage our vision?

We hold the power to bring our visions into reality. And that means whatever and wherever we are at the moment is the result of our choices and actions. We are the apex of every choice we make. 

If you don’t make a difference in your choices, your future will still look like what your past and present are. Our choices are our crystal ball for the future. We actually have that crystal ball right here in the choices we make and in the actions we take. 


Boost your self-worth

Boost your self-worth to grow your net worth. These two are very much intertwined. If we keep on thinking that we’re not enough, then it would also feel like what we have isn’t enough too. The remedy is all about adding value to yourself and what you do. It’s not really about charging or giving a cost of what you’re worth. It’s charging commensurate with your value. 

And your value begins with valuing your time, skills, expertise, and what you can bring to the table. 


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