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Is Having the Right Mindset Enough for You to Reach Success with Dani Kenney - Episode 13

Is Having the Right Mindset Enough for You to Reach Success with Dani Kenney - Episode 13

July 08, 20223 min read

Is it possible that after all the goal-planning, the actionable steps, and the recalibrations that you’re doing to boost your revenue, you could still miss your mark? 

I know what entrepreneurs like you and me would answer to that: a resounding YES. And that’s frustrating, isn’t it?

Well, that’s why you should really listen to the full episode. I’m so honored to speak with International Life & Business Coach Dani Kenney in The Professional Rule Breaker podcast. Dani has uncovered for us the missing piece of hitting the revenue goals in our businesses. 

That’s where we’re headed, so buckle up, and let’s get going…


First Stop: What’s T.F.A.R?

Entrepreneurs are courageous individuals who don’t fear investing in themselves, their skills, and their talents. However, what Dani found was that actions are only part of the cycle that we can’t escape from. 

That’s what the TFAR cycle is about. 

T: Thoughts and beliefs

F: Feelings and emotions

A: Actions

R: Results

So what happens for many entrepreneurs when they start a business is that they focus right away on actions - what they can do for the clients, what time should they get started, and all these showing up. But they haven’t paused and asked what thoughts and beliefs are informing their feelings so that they executed such actions. If you’re in alignment with your beliefs, you could make tweaks to your actions so that your desired results are achieved.


Second Stop: What’s the missing piece?

The thing with the TFAR cycle is that many entrepreneurs don’t know just where it actually begins. This is where the missing piece comes in, and it is the circumstances. In fact, this is where many entrepreneurs get stuck in. When they start their businesses, they have specific circumstances that they allow to dictate their beliefs which in turn affect their feelings towards it and influence their actions. So they are expecting a result that did not happen simply because they let their circumstances dictate their thoughts and actions. 


Third Stop: What’s the money mindset?

While different people have different upbringing, these circumstances, especially the ones in the past, would have a major impact on our belief system. The mindset on money is a prime example. Our circumstances dictate that it is very hard to make money especially if you grow up in a financially challenged family and environment. We have also heard it said that money is the root of all evil. 

These circumstances nurture the belief that setting a six-figure income goal, for instance, is impossible, or that you already failed before so you’ll never be successful at all. Based on your past experiences, you established a negative belief about money, which then created a fear in you to act on your goals so you don’t generate the revenues you aim at.


Final Destination: Shift your mindset.

Dani finally saw and harvested the results she has always aimed for when she shifted her mindset to a healthy relationship with money. However, this is not overnight work. This mindset shift is a process that would need continuous pushing, addressing, and pruning because we already have our own beliefs set from the day we understood things. It would take time to unload and unpack past beliefs. The good thing is that it is doable and it is possible. You also need people, coaches/mentors, and supporters who could help you stay in alignment. 

So if you’re really intent on making results happen, master your mindset.


Useful Links In This Episode:


Follow me @theprofessionalrulebreaker.

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Listen to my Spotify Podcast here.

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Visit Dani’s website here.

Follow Dani on LinkedIn here.

Follow Dani on Instagram @danikenney

Check out her Facebook @danikenneycoaching

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