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How to Boost Your LinkedIn Profile and Increase Online Visibility with Catherine B Roy - Episode 11

How to Boost Your LinkedIn Profile and Increase Online Visibility with Catherine B Roy - Episode 11

June 23, 20223 min read

The digital world looks so huge, limitless, and scary, but what if you can harness these same attributes to do well for your business? My guest for today’s podcast literally did just that, and to top it off, she only utilized LinkedIn as the main platform. So you would not be surprised why she gained the title the LinkedIn Wonder Woman. I am very excited to host today’s podcast with the successful entrepreneur, internationally recognized business coach, and best-selling author, Catherine B Roy.


This is the part where we do the imaginary applause. 


But seriously now, let’s dive into the thought-provoking insights that Catherine has imprinted in our minds starting off with…


Live From Your Heart and Mind: The Secret to the Simplicity of Connecting Your Heart and Mind on the Road to Happiness and Success


This is Catherine’s best-selling book that tackles the impact of a well-balanced IQ and EQ using what she calls the “algorithm of love”. As a computer programmer with an IQ of over 156, algorithms come naturally to her. However, she realized that this “talent” did not give her the fulfillment she was looking for. 


After some soul-searching, she discovered that she had fears that limit her in pursuing the things she was truly passionate about and her high IQ prevailed in giving her logical reasons to give in to these limiting beliefs. Only when she learned to strengthen her emotional potential, such as loving herself and fully believing in what she can do, was she able to pursue her passion. 


LinkedIn Decoded


Reaching her heart-and-mind balanced potential, Catherine delved into the inner working of algorithms and codes in the digital world and simplified these into her book called LinkedIn Decoded. Every entrepreneur can truly benefit from the wisdom in this ebook which basically provides the tools on how to make your online presence viral or internationally recognized. 


The important takeaways from this talk include:


  • LinkedIn is every entrepreneur’s must-have social media.


This is the social media environment where business personalities dwell and where people don’t waste their time checking in. The LinkedIn environment is for people who are focused on personal and business growth. Her connections on LinkedIn led her to Goldman Sachs, Microsoft, and TEDx, and consequently, the boost of her name in online searches.  


  • Entrepreneurs can benefit from understanding LinkedIn’s social-selling index.

This feature shows the actual status of a person’s brand interests and engagements. The higher your index score is, the more sales you can manage. Along with that, you could also make use of different strategies to increase your index ranking, which eventually would land you with more visibility. 


  • Entrepreneurs could use their personal brand to teach the search algorithm.

In a nutshell, LinkedIn accounts could use keywords that would be positioned rightly so that the algorithm will be able to identify who will be your target market. The more specific your keywords in regards to your personal brand, the more the algorithm could present you with other people who use similar things. This creates a network and consequently online visibility. 


The internet algorithms sound like a very difficult pill to swallow, but Catherine simplified it in her resources. There is so definitely so much to learn in this podcast episode for every entrepreneur searching for growth. So go ahead and make sure you listen to the full episode here. 

Useful Links in This Episode:

Get the Live From Your Heart And Mind book here.

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